Kia Orana my typing monkeys,
On Thursday 9th August, my class (aka: Parekowhai Class) hosted THE BEST, SMART, AMAZING ASSEMBLY EVER!. It started at 9:00am, I was very nervous and a little excited because we are the first class to do a assembly on Term 3! The theme for our assembly was BLOGGING!!!!!!! We got to share our blog post to the school so they can learn what we did in class. Our audience was Hay Park, teachers and parents. The host were: Kanishka, Fehi, Sariah and Ina/Me.
Our blogs were ‘What We Did In The Holidays’ (Mandita) Kiwi Kids News (Simon) Cook Island Language Week (Me) Plastic in the sea and a turtle died (Mose and Zion) bad habits (Gloria and Rhia). I had fun telling everyone about the Cook Islands because I want them to know some facts about a beach (Daragosa Beach). We also talked about YouTube Recommendation that was presented by Patrick (nearly forgot about him).
So at the start of our assembly our theme song was the ‘Wake Up Song’ that was given from Mrs Rai. When everyone took their seats Fehi, Kanishka, Sariah and I started the assembly! First we went on with our National Anthem, then we dance and sing to the song ‘Wake Up Song’ and it was SUPER fun because people knew the song and it was AMAZING because I will feel embarrassed if we have to sing the song without anyone singing. When the song finished we started of telling everyone about our blogging series. Then Mandita and Simon came up and talk about their holidays (including our winter homework). Mandita talked about her holiday about her friend came to her house (WHICH WAS ME) and Simon talking about a Kiwi Kids News article about a dog doing CPR!! After that I went next to show my presentation about the Cook Islands (PS: Cook Island Language Week w/ Ms Campbell). When I finished my presentation we started talking about YouTube. I know EVERYBODY LOVES YouTube and you might wonder that they have dirty, rude, inappropriate videos that people post and their channel/videos can easily get stuck into your head. So Patrick talked about Goosebumps because he was telling a explanation WHY WE HAVE GOOSEBUMPS! Later on Mose and Zion talked about a sad article that they published on their blog and it broke my heart. They were talking about rubbish into the sea and turtles dying from it :(. When it’s done we also started talking about BAD HABITS! So people have bad habits so Gloria and Rhia were talking about it! It’s terrible that people have those BAD HABITS and I am HAPPY that I am not that person. When they finished we asked Papa Jarrod to come up the stage but sadly he wasn’t here. Then we ended the assembly with a GOODBYE!
Thank you for coming! See ya l8r
Also here is a video of our assembly.